
The Leros project documentation website https://leros-dev.github.io/

Leros: The Return of the Accumulator Machine

An FPGA-optimized tiny processor core for utility functions (e.g., SW UART). The challenge is to get the resources below 500 LC and use just 2 RAM blocks. The processor is named after the Greek island Leros where the architecture was designed.

The Leros project is hosted at GitHub in https://github.com/leros-dev.

Leros is documented in the following publications and documents:

  1. Martin Schoeberl. Leros: A Tiny Microcontroller for FPGAs. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2011), Chania, Crete, Greece, September 2011.
  2. James Caska and Martin Schoeberl. Java dust: How small can embedded Java be? In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems (JTRES 2011), York, UK, ACM, September 2011.
  3. Morten Borup Petersen. A Compiler Backend and Toolchain for the Leros Architecture BSc. thesis, Technical University of Denmark (2019)
  4. Martin Schoeberl and Morten Borup Petersen. Leros: The return of the accumulator machine. Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2019 - 32nd International Conference, Proceedings, 115-127, May, 2019.

A work-in-progress handbook is available as LaTeX sources at Leros Handbook


Leros is an accumulator machine with a register file. Memory is accessed via indirect load and store instructions.

Leros Aims

An accumulator instruction that does less than a typical RISC instruction is probably more RISC than the typical load/store register-based RISC architecture.

Further aims:

Instruction Set Architecture

The instructions of Leros can be categorized into the following types:

List of Instructions

Opcode Function Description
add A = A + Rn Add register Rn to A
addi A = A + i Add immediate value i to A (sign extend i)
sub A = A - Rn Subtract register Rn from A
subi A = A - i Subtract immediate value i from A (sign extend i)
sra A = A » 1 Shift A arithmetic right
and A = A and Rn And register Rn with A
andi A = A and i And immediate value i with A
or A = A or Rn Or register Rn with A
ori A = A or i Or immediate value i with A
xor A = A xor Rn Xor register Rn with A
xori A = A xor i Xor immediate value i with A
load A = Rn Load register Rn into A
loadi A = i Load immediate value i into A (sign extend i)
loadhi A$_{31-8}$ = i Load immediate into second byte (sign extend i)
loadh2i A$_{31-16}$ = i Load immediate into third byte (sign extend i)
loadh3i A$_{31-24}$ = i Load immediate into fourth byte (sign extend i)
store Rn = A Store A into register Rn
jal PC = A, Rn = PC + 2 Jump to A and store return address in Rn
ldaddr AR = Rn Load address register AR with Rn
loadind A = mem[AR+(i « 2)] Load a word from memory into A
loadindb A = mem[AR+i]$_{7-0}$ Load a byte signe extending from memory into A
storeind mem[AR+(i « 2)] = A Store A into memory
storeindb mem[AR+i]$_{7-0}$ = A Store a byte into memory
br PC = PC + o Branch
brz if A == 0 PC = PC + o Branch if A is zero
brnz if A != 0 PC = PC + o Branch if A is not zero
brp if A >= 0 PC = PC + o Branch if A is positive
brn if A < 0 PC = PC + o Branch if A is negative
scall scall A System call (simulation hook)

Instruction Encoding

Instructions are 16 bits wide. The higher byte is used to encode the instruction, the lower byte contains either an immediate value, a register number, or a branch offset (part of the branch offset uses also bits in the upper byte).


For example 00001001.00000010 is an add immediate instruction that adds 2 to the accumulator, where 00001000.00000011 adds the content of R3 to the accumulator. For branches, we use 3 of the instruction bits for larger offsets.

The following table shows all currently defined instructions (21, if you include all conditional branch variations).

Not all instruction bits are currently used (unused are marked with -). Bit 0 selects between immediate and using a register. The following list is the complete instruction set.

|00000---| nop      |
|000010-0| add      |
|000010-1| addi     |
|000011-0| sub      |
|000011-1| subi     |
|00010---| sra      |
|00011---| -        |
|00100000| load     |
|00100001| loadi    |
|00100010| and      |
|00100011| andi     |
|00100100| or       |
|00100101| ori      |
|00100110| xor      |
|00100111| xori     |
|00101001| loadhi   |
|00101010| loadh2i  |
|00101011| loadh3i  |
|00110---| store    |
|001110-?| out      |
|000001-?| in       |
|01000---| jal      |
|01001---| -        |
|01010---| ldaddr   |
|01100-00| ldind    |
|01100-01| ldindb   |
|01100-10| ldindh   |
|01110-00| stind    |
|01110-01| stindb   |
|01110-10| stindh   |
|1000nnnn| br       |
|1001nnnn| brz      |
|1010nnnn| brnz     |
|1011nnnn| brp      |
|1100nnnn| brn      |
|11111111| scall    |


loadh makes only sense for immediate values.

Can easily be extended to 64 bits when ignoring the immediate bit. Load function from ALU could be dropped.

Load address and following load/store should be emitted as pair as they are dependent. Possible interrupts should be disabled between those two instructions.

ldindb/ldindh sign extends.

Why do we have a nop? addi 0 can serve as nop if needed.

Getting Started

To run all test execute:

sbt test

More targets (e.g., synthesize for an FPGA) can be found in the Makefile.

LLVM Toolchain

Initially, pull and build the leros-llvm by executing the build.sh script in the root repository directory. The LLVM toolchain provides all the binary utilities from GNU Binutils. Following are a couple of examples on how the toolchain may be used in a development process:

Note: If an LLVM installation is already present on your machine, ensure that the executables within the build directory of the Leros toolchain are executed instead of the LLVM executables accessible through the PATH.

To compile a C source file for the Leros architecture, execute:

clang -target leros32 -c foo.c -o foo.o

This will create an unlinked ELF object file containing Leros machine code. To check that actual Leros instructions were emitted, objdump may be used to disassemble the object file:

llvm-objdump -d foo.o

The Leros toolchain assumes a number of constants to be present in certain registers when compiling a C program. These registers are initialized in the Leros crt0.leros.c file. For more information on crt0 files, refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crt0. The crt0 object file as well as the runtime library functions are built by the build.sh script and placed inside the toolchain library folders. These object files are automatically linked whenever using the Leros linker.

For compiling a Leros program and linking it with the crt0 object file, execute:

clang -target leros32 foo.c -o foo.out

This will emit an executable ELF file, which may be executed by the Leros simulator (https://github.com/leros-dev/leros-sim). If a flat binary version of an executable is needed, the llvm-objcopy may be used:

llvm-objcopy foo.out -O binary foo.out foo.bin

This will dump all of the ELF sections to a flat binary file, suitable for running on simulators or used to initialize hardware ROMs. Note, that this will emit the various program sections at some default address. When executing on hardware, it may be desired to emit code at a specific address placement. For this, a linker script is needed. As an example, it is desired for a programs entry point (and .text segment) to be emitted at address 0x0. A linker script for this may be:

# file: leros.ld

    . = 0x0;
   .text : { *(.text) }

Here, we refer to the _start symbol specified in the crt0.leros.c file, as well as specify that the .text section - the instructions of the program - are to be emitted from address 0x0. The linker script may be passed as an argument to the linker through clang, by specifying:

clang -target leros32 -Xlinker leros.ld foo.c -o foo.out

The flat binary may then be extracted from the foo.out ELF file.

For compiling a Leros program to assembly, execute:

clang -target leros32 -S foo.c -o foo.s

Leros Versions and Compilers

Initial Version

The initial version of Leros was designed as a 16-bit accumulator machine and written in VHDL. Besides writing assembly programs a Java JVM for microcontroller has been ported to support Leros. Also a software simulator written in Java is available.

Current Development Version

To provide a reasonable target for C programs, we will extend Leros to 32 bits and rewrite the hardware description in Chisel. We will try to make Leros to be configurable being 16 or 32 bits. LLVM will be adapted for Leros32 and feedback from this compiler backend may result in changes in the instruction set. This may break the compatibility with the VHDL version of Leros and the Java compiler.

We aim to provide enough documentation and simulators so that this version can be used in the teaching of basic computer architecture.